Category: Dr. Jin’s Self-Healing Series
Energizing Qigong (SH0004)
Energizing Qigong is mainly practiced to dramatically re-charge one’s energy by enhancing the adrenaline system. Through various meridian-stimulating stretches commonly found in Chinese Kung Fu or Martial Arts, it can help build up ones energy level, shed fatigue and prevent against illnesses.
for all
3 Vols on DVDs.
Slim Qigong (SH0003)
Slim Qigong is a fat-blasting exercise composed of special Chinese breathing ways simulating a Frog and Tidal wave patterns to shed pounds and inches quickly and effectively. This course is designed to be especially good at reducing existing residual fat, increase fat-burning body metabolism and cut waistline safely without rebounds. A special 10-day short term diet menu is also included as an added bonus.
Audio CD
Relaxation Qigong (SH0002)
Relaxation Qigong contains two unique forms of exercises: a slow, self-spinal adjustment (like doing chiropractics on yourself), and a special breathing pattern respiration movement simulating asleep that can relieve a variety of joint pains, stress, insomnia, depression, and related mental disorders.
Audio CD
Self-Acupressure Therapy (SH0001)
daches, vision disorders, back aches, and more.
Audio CD