Ye Qiaobo

One of the most successful Chinese skaters ever in the history of sport. In 1991, Ye finished 2nd on all distances and overall at the World Sprint Championships. The following two years, she would finish one place higher, becoming the first Chinese World Champion in 1992. A favorite for the 1992 Olympics, she was defeated twice by Bonnie Blair (another patient of Dr. Jin) and took home two silver medals for the sprint distances. In 1994, she finished 5th at the World Sprint Championships, and won a third Olympic medal (bronze) in the 1000 m. Ye also took part in three all-round championships; she won the 500 m three times and came last on the the 5000 m three times. In the 1992/1993 season, Ye took the 500 m World Cup. Over Ye’s  career, she won 13 World Cup races, 11 on the 500 m, 2 on the 1000 m.