August 11,
I have a drinking problem for the past 15-20 years. After undergoing acupuncture
and some herbal treatment from Dr. Jin, it has been very good, and it seems to
be making good progress. ~C. M.
August 15, 2002
I have had difficulties with allergies since childhood, but lately it's been getting worse, medications
make me drowsy and have tried other traditional therapies with no success. So I
finally decided to look up the phone book for an experienced
acupuncturist, and found Dr. Jin at Ace Acupuncture. I thought I should give a
him a try to see if I could be helped. Three weeks into the treatment course, I
find myself much less allergic (about 90%) than before, and I credit all
this to Acupuncture and Dr. Jin especially. Thanks
again! ~L. S.

April 7,
I have on and off allergies (seasonal) and sinus
problems for many years. I was skeptical that acupuncture and Chinese
herbal medicine would work for me but I went for a try anyway, figuring if it
didn't work, I would just quit the treatment. To my surprise, the treatments
worked very well, I have noticed much improvement. I have not had to take any
prescription antihistamines in over 1 week. I have not been able to this in
years. Thank you for your excellent work, Dr. Jin! ~S. N.
August 15, 2002
I have had difficulties with allergies since childhood, but lately it's been getting worse, medications
make me drowsy and have tried other traditional therapies with no success. So I
finally decided to look up the phone book for an experienced
acupuncturist, and found Dr. Jin at Ace Acupuncture. I thought I should give a
him a try to see if I could be helped. Three weeks into the treatment course, I
find myself much less allergic (about 90%) than before, and I credit all
this to Acupuncture and Dr. Jin especially. Thanks
again! ~L. S.
May 7, 2007
I am a chronic allergy and
sinusitis suffer, its worse during the spring times, but I just seem to always
have nasal problems, whether it is sneezing, congestions or drainage.
After hearing that acupuncture can help allergies, I sought out Dr. Jin because
of his high reputation as a Chinese doctor in the area, and it has been a good
experience so far, the treatment seem to be working,. This is my first time
experience acupuncture and I hope to continue this path of healing until I am
fully recovered. ~T. P.
back to top

June 10, 2006
I was suffering endless anxiety attacks for over 10 years, but after acupuncture, my anxiety attacks are much less, thanks for a job well-done!
~ R. J.
28, 2008
I've been having panic attacks and anxiety disorders for the last 4-5 years
after the passing of my husband. Sometimes the attacks would come 3-4x a day,
after receiving acupuncture and taking some nice formulated Chinese herbal teas
from Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin, I find that my nervous balance has returned to normal
and there are much less panic attacks. I believe the progress is going well, and
I plan to finish my treatment plan and have a great 2009
~ L. R.
May 12,
I was diagnosed as diplopia and anxiety disorders about 3 years ago, after
undergoing 1 course of acupuncture (10 sessions), I can honestly say I have much
balanced Central Nervous System and calm mood. The scheduling was easy and
pleasant staff all over, I will be sure to come back for tune--ups. ~M.O.
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January 21,
One night my heart started beating very fast and my chest felt tight. I got really
scared, and I went to the emergency room. This was not the first time that I had
an irregular heart beat, but it was by far the worst. The doctors told me that
prescription drugs would not work for my condition because my heart went too
fast and then too slow. If the condition doesn't get any better, all they can do
is install a pacemaker. I felt like I was too young for a pacemaker. I went to
see Dr. Jin, and he said that we could try acupuncture and herbal medicine
first. About ten minutes after Dr. Jin inserted the needles, I felt a pleasant,
rippling sensation that moved from my upper arms into my chest. My breathing
became easier. By the end of the treatment, I felt extremely relaxed. Dr. Jin
also prescribed me with some natural herbs, and I soon felt better. After about
2 months of treatments, my fear of having another attack of arrhythmia was gone.
~ J. S.
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ARTHRITIS (rheumatoid):
23, 2004
Thank you so very much for your expertise in bringing my
leg & hips back to normal. They have not bothered me since my last visit with
you, I am getting along just fine and I am appreciate all of your help! ~
R. G.
ARTHRITIS (acute):
13, 2003
I had acute arthritis
in my knee about 6 months ago. There was redness all over the knee and it was
swollen badly. It was so painful that I could hardly walk or stand. I went to
see Dr. Jin and the experts at Ace Acupuncture. After the first treatment, my
condition improved greatly. The swelling and redness was much less the second
day, as was with the pain. After just three sessions, my knee was back to normal
and it has not came back ever since. I give Dr. Jin my strongest
recommendation. ~ G. W.
ARTHRITIS (chronic):
26, 2008
I would like to thank you for being able to help me in coping
with hand arthritis through Acupuncture / Acupressure.
Even with taking Valtaren, which reduces swelling, you have been able to reduce
the swelling even more in my knees until there is almost none. The pain in my
hands, especially in my left hand is almost gone and I again have the strength
to pick up pots and pans and even lift my arms straight above my head! The damp,
rainy days do not affect me nearly as much as they used to and I am able to walk
the stairs with greater ease and no pain.
~ P. P.
ARTHRITIS (osteo-):
May 5, 2001
After receiving chiropractic treatments for over nine months,
I was still having severe pain in my hip. Dr. Jin however was able to greatly
improve the osteo-arthritis pain in my hip after only two months of treatment.
People should not hesitate to try acupuncture treatments from Dr. Jin because
his techniques are so gentle, painless yet effective.
~ S.
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9, 2004
I've been suffering from asthma related symptoms
for the past 3 years, tried everything from conventional medicine to various
over the counter drugs but nothing has helped until I called up Ace Acupuncture
Clinic of Milwaukee from the phone book. Since then, I have received just 5
treatments from Dr. Jin and now I can honestly say, WHAT A FRESH OF BREATH OF
AIR! Thank you so much, Dr. Jin!
~ B. W.
28, 2008
I had asthma and was getting worse by the day, and to the
point where I can either choose to be on medications or try something different.
I choose the later option and had excellent results so far in my 5th session, my
condition is 99% improved. Dr. Jin has always helped me and I always refer him!
~ J. B.
9, 2003
I was
sick every year with bronchitis and very bad asthma. Over the past 10 years, it
had become increasingly worse, up to the point where I was on steroid inhalers
year round. My dosage had gone up and I was receiving less benefit from it.
During the acupuncture treatment, I felt relaxed, calm, sleepy, and warm with
the occasional cold tingling. After the treatment, I have not had any upper
respiratory infections for the past year and a half. I am glad to report that I
am now relatively asthma free! ~ A. D.
28, 2005
I have been coming to Dr. Jin for
many ailments over the years, he is my "personal" family doctor, and he always
takes care of all of my health concerns. This time, I was suffering asthma and
having trouble breathing and getting worse by day before coming to him, and
after 3 visits, the nasal congestion is gone, I can breath normally again!
~ M. B.
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February 24
My daughter (7 years old)
have had a tough time concentrate
on her studies, and also have periodic memory problems. After seeing Dr. Jin for
acupuncture and Amber for acupressure for 1 month, I am pleased with her
results, her concentration was notably better during class and her teachers
tells me she now gets better grades because of that! ~
S. L.
December 20,
My son was recently diagnosed with TIC disorder and unable to focus at
school. After visiting with Dr. Jin, who was referred to me by my neurologist, I
am happy to report that my son is doing much better. His nervous system is more
balanced and he is able to concentrate on his studies at school and do not get
too high or too low. ~ G. F.
back to top

November 24,
I suddenly contracted Bell's Palsy while attending a meeting in Chicago 6 weeks
ago, and today, with the help of my acupuncturist Dr. Jin, I've been fully
recovered. He and his staff is very professional. I admire his knowledge and
intelligence of his profession. I feel very well taken care of!
R. S.
12, 2004
Half of my face was paralyzed, because of
Bell's Palsy. After acupuncture treatments, my condition was significantly
improved with each treatment, and now after several months of treatment, I am
completely recovered.
~ K. K.
16, 2007
Our daughter, Francesca, was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. Her symptoms were
partial facial paralysis affecting the right side of her face (from the cheek to
above right eyebrow and forehead). Francesca's progress was rapid and
noticeable, beginning with our first treatment. After six to seven treatments,
her appearance was nearly back to normal.
~ M. S.
18, 2005
I suffered bell's palsy in my right side for 2 weeks prior coming to Ace
Acupuncture and going under the care of Dr. Jin and his staff, it was very
pleasant. I was put at ease about my conditions. Dr. Jin was very knowledgeable
and helpful in everyway imaginable.
C. K.
April 2, 2009
I was struck with Bell's palsy suddenly on the left side of the face nearly 4
weeks ago, I began immediately with acupuncture, as I have previously heard from
relatives that it works wonder for acute Bell's palsy. Now 4 weeks later, I
found that indeed it is very helpful and I would recommend it to others with
Bell's palsy. ~F. X.
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February 28,
I have been treated with acupuncture for 10 sessions and have had excellent
results. The doctors at Ace Acupuncture are all very knowledgeable and caring, I
wouldn't hesitate for a second to refer them to my friends and family.
A. I.
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August 9, 2002
My right
elbow was suffering bursitis when being told by a MD specialist that the only
option I had was surgery. This meant removing the tendon's point of attachment to
the bone, reattaching it, and then rehabilitation. For four year, I couldn't get
a half gallon of milk out of the fridge nor peel a banana without pain. I
couldn't lift, couldn't canoe. No golf or tennis. The first thing that impressed
me about Dr. Jin was his concern over my injury. His appointments were more like
visiting with a friend than with a doctor. He was always extremely passionate at
his services and accommodating, making me as comfortable as possible. Finally,
my pain was getting the attention that it craved. His skill and caring were
readily apparent. ~ L. H.
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26, 2008
I have been diagnosed as having uterine polip and fibroids for 6 months
and I wanted an alternative treatment option to surgery for the removal of these
tumors. I also wanted assistance in the area of fertility and conception. I
selected Dr. Jin and Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milw as my acupuncture provider
and had 9 sessions. I was originally scheduled to have surgery this week for the
removal of the polip, but at my last sonogram the day before surgery, the Doctor
did not find any evidence of the either the polip or any fibroids. Thank you,
Dr. Jin! ~L.T.
5, 2002
I highly
recommend Dr. Jin and have noticed significant improvement in reducing the
side-effects of chemotherapy since seeing Dr. Jin. I am impressed with the
knowledge and dedication he brings to his profession.
~ J. T.
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26, 2008
I went to see Dr. Jin because of numbness in my right arm. My family has a
history of carpel tunnel and my father has had the surgery twice. I really
didn't want to have surgery and thought I would try acupuncture as an
alternative method. After just a few treatments, all of my symptoms went away.
I'm so happy I chose acupuncture over surgery. Dr. Jin and his staff are always
very friendly, professional and informative. ~A.D.
10, 2008

I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with ulnar
nerve compression in the right elbow from accident about 1.5 years ago and
constant use in work. After taking acupuncture treatments from Dr. Jin, I felt
that his professional approach and friendly service was excellent. I would
highly recommend anyone to this clinic
. ~ N. M.
27, 2007
I had unspecified right hand pain and the thumb joint was
swollen and sore for a couple of months However, after acupuncture visits, I am
much better. The staff and doctors of Ace Acupuncture were very understanding
and I feel very comfortable with them. I am pleased with the results and would
recommend acupuncture services to anyone with health concerns. ~ J. F.
7, 2001
past weekend I took a motorcycle trip to Door County, and I knew the trip would
be stressful on my arms since I had carpel tunnel, and I was wondering how my
arms would feel after riding that long on a motorcycle. The ride was tiring, but
my arms felt fine. There was very little arm pain and no numbness in my fingers,
which I had experienced last year on the same ride to Door County. ~ R. A.
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CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome):
11, 2004
I was referred to Dr. Jin from an
International CFS seminar where he spoke at Madison on about Chinese medicine.
During my acupuncture visits, I felt like layers of fatigue peeling off. After
each treatment, I kept feeling more energy and felt recharged, and revitalized.
I have had acupuncture done before, but never feeling like this, I highly
recommend Dr. Jin because his treatments are especially good and effective and
so relaxing. ~J. D.
back to top

3, 2003
I have had ulcerative colitis for many years.
Some days I would have a low fever, and every day I had cramps and severe
diarrhea with blood and mucus. I didn't want to take steroids. I decided to try
acupuncture and herbal medicine instead. After several months of acupuncture and
herbal medicine treatment with Dr. Jin, my stool became normal. No blood, no
mucus, and no cramps. I used to be on a strict nondairy, gluten-free diet. Now,
I can eat normally. It's amazing that
my condition completely clears up after acupuncture.. ~
L. G.
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21, 2008
I had depression for the past 2 months and it was
to the point where I have no self-confidence and would stay at home cry all day
without going to work. After my mother's referred me to her acupuncturist (Dr.
Jin), I began to notice differences in my mood and emotions right away, I find
the treatments helpful and it was a pleasant overall experience. I also learned
very much about my health. I also find that it is always convenient schedule
appointment at most any time. ~K.M.
17, 2004
I suffered depression when my boyfriend broken up with me, I always
was upset, angry, cry, impatient and couldn't sleep well and always tired.
During acupuncture treatment, I had strong vibrations in my legs and stomach. I
was not as scared as I thought I would be and the needles didn't hurt at all.
Now I can work 60-plus hours a week, I am always full of energy, I sleep a lot
better, and I don't cry anymore. I've never felt better. Dr. Jin is fantastic!
~M. F.
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21, 2003
I first
came to see Dr. Jin for pain in my back and leg. I had back surgery for a
ruptured disk in 1980's, since that time have been subject to frequent spasms
and cramps. The treatment was successful, and during this period, I learned that
high blood pressure and diabetes could be treated with acupuncture and herbal
medicine. I have been taking Atenenol for high blood pressure and Glyburide for
diabetes. Dr. Jin began treatments for my high blood pressure with both
acupuncture and herbal medicine. During the period of treatment, I cut my daily
dose of Atenenol in half and monitored my blood pressure on a regular basis. I
found that I was averaging 125/70, which I was very pleased with considering the
reduction in the daily dosage. When we began treating for diabetes, I was still
exhibiting symptoms of the disease, including cold feet at night time, and
getting up once or twice during the night to go to the bathroom. My ankles had a
slight purplish color and were puffy on occasion. The first night I drank
Dr. Jin's herbal tea, I slept through the night without getting up once.
Subsequently, I noticed that my feet were seldom cold at night, and if they
were, they warmed up quickly. My ankles have regained a healthier color and I
haven't noticed any perceptible swelling since.
~ R. T.
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April 8,
After acupuncture, the swellings in my ankles are noticeably down and pain
significantly lowered - I feel excellent now.
~ C. J.
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2, 2001
grandma suffered from erysipelas with high fever and didn't eat for two days.
Later her left leg had redness and she was experiencing burning pain. This was
the second time she had this problem, and she was very stubborn in that didn't
want to go to the hospital for a penicillin shot. We didn't know what to do, so
I asked Dr. Jin on what he could do and he prescribed some Chinese herbs to
drink. Three hours later, my grandma asked for something to eat. On the second
day, her fever started to drop, and his leg was getting better. After seven days
of her herbal treatments, she had no fever and her legs were normal. ~ L. Z.
back to top

12, 2008
I came to Ace Acupuncture
Clinic of Milwaukee feeling physically and
emotionally exhausted, but their acupuncture and herbal remedies helped to
restore my health and energy. Amber is a wonderful doctor and I highly
recommend her if you want special gentle techniques.
~M. V.
May 19,
Amber Jin is a kind and compassionate healer. Her gentle sprit and intuitive
approach facilitated a rapid emotional and physical healing. I had no idea that
not only my puffy eyes and fatigued skin would take on a brighter and tighter
appearance but that I would also be able to have an emotional clearing from past
traumas and events. I would highly recommend Dr. Amber to anyone! She has helped
give me an increased balance, wholeness and fulfillment that I was having
trouble with trying to attain on my own.
~Y. S.
24, 2005
It was a whole new thought to me. But after reading an article in Newsweek about how
acupuncture would be able to help naturally with face lifts, I truly believed it
work, and it did work! After just one treatment from Ace Acupuncture, I could
definitely see the improvement. A few visits later, I could definitely tell how
those lines above the lips had practically disappeared. At 63, I did not want
the trouble and risk associated with a face lift. Acupuncture achieved just what
I was looking for. Even my skeptical husband noticed the fuller lips right away.
Thanks again Ace Acupuncture! ~G. J.
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23, 2009
I have had chronic pain all over body joints and muscles since 1 year ago and
was formally diagnosed as fibromyalgia. I saw Dr. Jin for about 2 months with a
combination therapy of acupuncture and Chinese massage, so far I am doing much
better with about 85% improvement, the clinic is wonderful and all staff are
friendly and professional. ~S. S.
May 7, 2008
When I was first diagnosed with
fibromyalgia 5 years ago, I was in a lot of pain, but when I found Dr. Jin I
received fast results. Now, not only pain symptoms are under control, I'm
overall better, emotions, physical, mental, everything. ~D. S.
1, 2005
Dear Dr. Jin: Thank you for all you did bringing me
back my good ol' smiles! No more pain for me, YES!!! Just want you know
that I have recommended you to all of my relatives and friends.
~ M.
13, 2000
In 1998, I was diagnosed with
Previously, I had been a very physically active young woman -- I participated in
rollerblading, racquetball, aerobics, skiing, jogging, hiking, etc. For the last
year these activities were forced to stop because pain in my back made simple
tasks like making a bed nearly unbearable. My legs hurt so severely that even
walking short distances left me in tears. Every morning I would wake up dreading
the moment my feet would hit the floor, knowing the few steps into the bathroom
would send unbearable pain through my legs. The pain became progressively worse
and spread through other areas of my body. I began to gain weight and feel
depressed. I have different experiences during treatment. Sometimes I fall
deeply asleep. Often my body will be totally relaxed, yet will jerk suddenly
when my qi begins to move. This times it feels as though I'm almost in a trance,
awake but strangely immobile. I always feel completely at ease and look forward
to my treatments. I have so much hope of resuming many of the activities I love.
When before I would wake up feeling as though I hadn't slept a wink, I now wake
up renewed. I no longer feel the searing pain in my legs and back that used to
reduce me to tears regularly. I cannot find the words to describe how much
acupuncture has changed my outlook. Before I had lost all hope of ever becoming
my old self. After only two weeks of Dr. Jin’s treatments, my pain was reduced
about 75%. After three months of regular visits, I rarely experienced any pain.
I still have lower back pain occasionally but it is definitely manageable and
seeing Dr. Jin every four to eight weeks to keep it under control. In
addition to the pain reduction, my body's immune system feels stronger than ever
-- I rarely suffer colds and haven't had the flu since I began receiving
acupuncture treatments. The quality of life I had been accustomed to have been
returned to me. Acupuncture is the answer for me and I recommend Dr. Jin to
anyone who suffers from chronic pain. I was very skeptical at first -- now I am
a true believer. I am also glad to be able to live without painkillers; I didn't
want to have to rely on harmful drugs just to get through the day. I haven't
taken any painkillers since I began acupuncture and I don't plan to. Thank you,
Dr. Jin, from the bottom of my heart. ~ S. W.
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February 23,
The shoulder pain bothered me greatly in sleep, but I have had much progress
once the treatments started and has had steady improvement ever since, right now
I am almost 85% recovered and will need a few more sessions for complete
recovery. Thank you Dr. Jin for all you do.
~ B. B.
5, 2008
service was A+, the cost was A++, the professionalism of the staff was A+++, and the results were A++++,
is there anything else to say?
~ N. A.
5, 2003
I had severe pain from a
frozen left shoulder and was unable to lift my arm due to limited range of
motion. I saw another acupuncturist, but after a few treatments, he told me he
couldn't help me. I changed acupuncturists and began seeing Dr. Jin. With each
treatment, the pain and range of motion improved significantly. After perhaps
six treatments, I was pain free with a near normal range of motion. ~
B. G.
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Acid Reflux
April 4,
After attending an acupuncture seminar given by Dr. Jin, I made an appointment
with him. At only 24 years old, I was on 4 pharmaceutical drugs, and was very
concerned about my future. I was taking medication for Acid Reflux, I was
determined to eliminate some if not all of the conditions I was experiencing. I
went for acupuncture treatments two times a week for several months, made the
dietary modifications recommended, took the recommended herbal formulas, and 4
months later, I am now taking only one prescription medication for my acid
reflux. My periods are much less painful, and I rarely, if ever, get headaches
anymore. I am feeling so much more balanced and relieved to have reduced my
dependency on prescription drugs. My acid reflux problem has been reduced by
about 90% and I feel that acupuncture helped break the cycle of needing higher
and higher doses of prescription antacids. Acupuncture treatments also had a
great stress-relieving and uplifting effect on me. I often noticed as I was
driving home from my treatments a sense of being relaxed and uplifted. I find
great comfort in knowing that I have a natural method of keeping myself
physically and mentally healthy, now, and for the future.
~H. T.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
March 2,
Since childhood I had a hard time eating certain types
of foods. Progressively this became worse as I was growing up. When I was 21, I
was able to eat a few grains, non fat food and some fruits. By age 23 I could
not eat anything. I would go to the kitchen hungry and eat only a slice of bread
or a bowl of cereal for lunch and dinner and I would be in severe pain. I had
tried all possible medicines and treatments. I tried allopathic [medicine
prescribed by a doctor], and homeopathy. I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel
Syndrome (IBS) and was told that there were no treatments for it. I had gone
through all possible GI tests. I suffered extreme fatigue. My weight fluctuated
between 96 pounds and 110 pound during the two years (my
height is 5ft 10ins). My body was not absorbing the nutrients from food. I did
not know that my problems were due to food allergies. I used to think that they
were due to weak intestines, until one day my friend told me to contact Dr. Jin
to see if acupuncture could help. I started the treatment at once a week. I
could see the difference in my body immediately. I started becoming more
energetic and gained a few pounds in a couple of weeks. It might not be too
exciting but it was a big breakthrough for me as I was always losing weight
steadily in the last 24 months. Most important of all, my abdominal pains
stopped. My blood report showed that my cholesterol and protein went slightly
high, which meant that my body was absorbing the nutrients. Right now I am not
even half way through the treatment. Still, I can see how my body is responding
to the treatments. I feel good when I eat non-allergic food for which I have
been treated and keep away from allergic food. Thanks Dr. Jin.
~ R. Z.
May 10, 2004
It was a great experience to finally receive acupuncture from a great doctor
like Dr. Jin, he listened to my concerns and helped me with my IBS problem.
This was my first time trying acupuncture and it took about 8 sessions to feel
like a new person.
~ J. C.
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18, 2002
I had lots of small stones like sand in the
gall bladder and bile duct. Surgery would only take the gall bladder out, but it
would not take out the sandstones that were inside my liver's bile duct. I went
to Dr. Jin. After several months of treatment, the stones came out continually,
and six months later the ultrasound shows that most of the stones are gone.
~J. Z.
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March 2, 2002
For three months I had been losing my hair.
Dr. Jin treated me with acupuncture plus herbs. After five weeks, my hair
started to grow, and about five months of treatment later my hair began to
change back to its natural color.
~B. W.
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HEADACHES (migraine):
March 6,
I have suffered migraines for 6 years along with neck and shoulder pain. I was
referred to Dr. Jin by a friend who had gotten relief from him for the same
symptoms. After 3 sessions, I could feel a worldly of difference, and was able
to functional normally without having to deal with the headaches. I am pleased
with my results and I like and trust Dr. Jin.
~ O. E.
November 26,
I have had chronic headaches for 20 plus years, and the last 10 years with
severe migraines.
After coming to acupuncture with Dr. Jin, I found that this is the single most
effective treatment I have ever had for my symptoms. Acupuncture is saving my
life! ~ A. N.
July 31, 2003
I have been suffering from consistent
migraine headaches with at least 1 onset per day for the past 5 years. I was
referred by a friend (who was a patient of Dr. Jin) to try Acupuncture. After
4 acupuncture sessions, my migraine headaches onsets has been slowed down to
an average of once a month. From the current progress, I can see the
light at the end of the tunnel where in the near future, my headaches will be
completely gone. I highly recommend Acupuncture for migraine headaches because
it helps to reduce my headache frequency. ~ J. L.
4, 2000
I had severe migraines
for more than 10 years. I had been seen several acupuncturists before, but my
migraines were still there, and getting worse every year. The dose of pain pills
was getting higher. One day, the migraine recurred and was so unbearable, so I
went to my family doctor to get some pain pills, in his office, I saw a business
card, which had Ace Acupuncture printed on it, and then my doctor ask me if I
would be interested in trying acupuncture for my conditions, I told him I
have been several clinics before and none have done any tricks on me, then my
family doctor said I should try again, this time with what he calls "one the
best in the country", I figured it won't hurt to try one more. So after three
sessions with Dr. Jin, the migraines were less and less and! I continued the
treatment course for three more and no any migraines came back. I thank both my
family doctor and Dr. Jin because if it wasn't for my family doctor, I wouldn't
have known every acupuncturist is different. ~ K. S.
HEADACHES (cluster):
January 8,
I have had many years of cluster
headaches and was treated for 4 months by Dr. Jin, so far I am pleased to report
that I am doing much better with only a few and less painful onsets when I do
have them.
~ P. J.
October 2, 2008
I feel better at 45 than I have ever felt as now I have more energy and much
less pain. Prior to Acupuncture, my headaches were debilitating, and now I have
been able to successfully go off of my headaches medicine I've taken for 10
years after seeing you Dr. Jin.
~ S. S.
HEADACHES (tension):
12, 2002
I had a lot of tension headaches for
the past 25 years;
sometimes it occurs 3-4 times a week. After one acupuncture treatment course,
now I hardly
have them anymore. I'd say acupuncture worked 100% for me as I have had no headaches in the past 3 years
after that treatment course. ~R. T.
back to top

May 9, 2002
husband had swollen legs recently; and I brought him to the clinic for a free
consultation. Dr. Jin asked my husband questions, checked his pulse and tongue.
He said that it is most likely a heart problem. Then my husband went to
our family doctor twice, did a few exams, and nothing was wrong. He didn’t want
to have any treatments at that time because he thought he was fine. Three weeks
later, one night, my husband felt extreme pain in the chest and went to the ER.
They found out that he had heart failure. I am so surprised by Dr. Jin's
excellent diagnosis knowledge. He is unbelievably good! ~ C. A.
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HOT FLASH (premenopausal/menopausal):
23, 2009

This is
the fist time I tried acupuncture and I had a series of sessions (about 8) so
far. I was very nervous about the treatment oat first, since it involved
needles, but I am glad I stuck with it. The staff and Dr. Jin are very
professional and I felt I was being well take care of. ~B. F.
17, 2003
Wow!! After I saw Dr. Jin last week, my night sweats and hot flashes were
completely gone, amazing! ~N. T.
April 24,
After 1 dosage (20 days) of Chinese Herbal pills prescribed by
Louis, my chronic (10+) years of constant mile hot flashes and night sweats were
miraculously gone and have not been back since. Needlessly to say, I am very
pleased. ~R. B.
back to top

INFERTILITY (Female/Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome):
December 11,

We were unable to achieve pregnancy for 3 years, then we found Ace Acupuncture,
the clinic is very professional along with very caring practitioners. I felt
that I was in great hands, and the forthcoming results should be fruitful too!
~ B. C.
26, 2007
While seeing Dr. Jin for some problems with Carpal Tunnel, I
noticed that he had references from other women regarding infertility. I had
never had a normal menstruation cycle in my life and I had been diagnosed with PCOS
(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). My doctor told me that it would be very difficult to get pregnant. My
husband and I tried for a year to get pregnant before I went to Dr. Jin. I had 6
treatments in 3 weeks and immediately my menstruation cycle started to regulate.
Within 2 months I became pregnant and we are expecting our first child in March.
Thank you Dr. Jin for making our dream of having a baby possible!
~ A. D.
December 24,
Dr. & Mrs. Jin,
Thank you for all of your help this year in making our baby dreams come true!

& A. D.
Thank you Dr. Jin for making our dream a reality.
We know we could not achieve this miracle of joy without your help and support.
~Z. & Y. G.

July 6, 2006
Dear Dr. Jin: I would like to take this opportunity to
thank you for the help you've given me in helping me achieve a pregnancy. In
September, 2005 I came to see you because I was going to have a donor embryo
transferred into my uterus. Your acupuncture treatments helped relax my uterus
and put me into a state of mind that would allow an embryo to implant. I am
happy to say that I became pregnant and had a healthy and uncomplicated
pregnancy. I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl on her due date of
June 7, 2006. She weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. I have enclosed a picture for you
to view. Again, I thank you for all of your help. I truly believe that the
acupuncture helped me achieve a successful pregnancy. Sincerely,
~J. & M. V.
May 20, 2006
Dr. Jin, Our little miracle has arrived! Our son was born on
May 4th, 2006. He was 8 pounds 1 ounce and 19 inches long. He is absolutely
perfect! Thank you so much for all of your help. You truly made me
believe that I could get pregnant and look what happened! Thanks again for
everything. You have helped bring pure joy to our lives.
~ T. & B. P.
October 06, 2005
It was truly a miracle, tried one session of acupuncture, the
Friday after I was pregnant, after trying by ourselves for sometime ~ N.
and J. L.
January 19, 1999
After meeting with you in last February (1998) to treat infertility. We had a healthy
baby boy on Nov, 16, 1998. Thank you for your treatments and fine advice!
~ E. & T. D.
July 7, 1997
Dear Dr. Jin, It is our pleasure to make you aware of the
birth of our daughter on May 27th. She is truly a blessing. I don't
know if you still remember me, but I came to you for infertility in May of last
year (1996). Thank you for making her a possibility. Your confidence in
our pregnancy was fulfilled.
~ A.& M. M.
January 2,
Dear Dr. Jin: We want to thank you for helping us with our battle with
infertility. We tried to become pregnant for 2.5 years without success. We had
just begun to look into our medical options when a friend referred us to Ace
Acupuncture Clinic. The treatment was fast and painless. Deciding on using
acupuncture was the BEST decision we ever made. Thank you, from the
bottom of our hearts!.
~ S. & T. G.
September 22, 1996
We were struggling with malefactor infertility for about three years. After
reading Dr. Jin's article on the positive effects of acupuncture on male
infertility, we started coming in for acupuncture treatments in parallel with
conventional treatment. Two months after the acupuncture treatments, we saw
significant improvements in the lab results. That same month my wife got
pregnant! We are very grateful to Dr. Jin for helping us achieve pregnancy. His
caring personality and knowledge in Chinese medicine and acupuncture did make a
~ D. & T. C.
back to top

3, 2008
I had insomnia for
over 6 years, and since I came to Ace Acupuncture, now I fall asleep quickly and
sleep longer than ever, it feels great to be able to sleep again!
~ M. R.
October 10,
I've always been a light sleeper and easily to be awakened with any little
noises, but ever since I visited with Dr. Jin and taken some "sleeping" herbs, I
now sleep like a baby every night.
~ L. K.
back to top

December 15,
I have had many years of interstitial cystitis as well as some bladder pain ever
since I was a teen. After seeing acupuncture's benefits for my mom (who had knee
pain), I decided to trey it for myself. I absolutely love Ace Acupuncture, it is
a wonderful place and Dr. Jin and his staff are very caring professionals.
~ L. N.
back to top

9, 2005
My 1 1/2 yr. old son was just diagnosed with "trigger finger", actually it has
affected his right thumb. I had noticed his thumb swollen and stuck in a bent
position one day while teaching him to give a thumbs up. When we took him to his
pediatrician the next day he referred me to Dr. Jin, whom confirmed the
diagnosis of "trigger finger", which starts as an inflammation of the sheath
around the tendon in his hand. After only one session of gentle needle-less
acupuncture, amazingly the triggering and jerking is gone. Thanks so much! ~ L.
back to top

13, 2002
I came to Dr. Jin with kidney stones. It was
extremely painful and was ruining my life. During the treatment, I felt energy
flow all over my body -- around my legs, pelvis, abdomen, chest, and back. I
felt some warm tingling and numbness as well. I was very calm and sleepy also.
Dr. Jin sent me home with some herbs to use. Over the next 3 months, many small
stones of various sizes were expelled during urination. I also had a couple
smooth black oval shaped stones come out. Dr. Jin worked closely with the pains
and symptoms described and I felt that he has literally worked miracles in
helping me get rid of the stones. I feel as if I can go for rides now, exercise,
and in general, enjoy life, whereas when I came in, I was unable to do any of
these things. I am deeply appreciative!
~ J. A.
back to top

March 1 ,
I have always come back to see Dr. Jin whenever I have a down-day or when I feel
extremely fatigue from work or any of serious midlife crisis, and each time. the
doctor takes the fatigue away with a single session, let me tell you, this
acupuncturist is a gem, you better find it and keep it. ~ W. C.
15 , 2007
I see big improvement
in my overall body energy level after acupuncture, especially during the
winter/colder seasons, when I usually have a down period. I highly recommend Dr.
Jin ~ J. W.
back to top

December 11,

I was diagnosed as dry
macular degeneration in my right eye and I had blurry vision for over 1 year.
Then I was referred to Dr. Jin on the Internet, where I was told I can be helped
via acupuncture. I feel Dr. Jin and his staff truly care; they are patient with
my questions, very gentle, my eye sight is now much clearer (after looking at
the eye chart), I am much pleased with the results. ~C. N.
back to top

September 21, 2001
I had severe Ménière's Syndrome
(ringing in the ear) for seven years. It was getting worse during the last two years. The vertigo with vomiting
happened at least once or twice a month. Each time I had to take pills that my
family doctor gave to me and lie in bed for a week or more. I went to see Dr.
Jin to try acupuncture. After 30 minutes, he took all the needles out and asked
me to get up by myself. I opened my eyes and slowly got up. Wow! I couldn't
believe it. My vertigo and dizziness were gone! I kept on going for treatments,
and the frequency of my attacks of vertigo was greatly reduced--from once a week
to once a year. The duration of symptoms lightened from a week to only a few
minutes. During the past year it hasn't happened again. ~C. D.
back to top

4, 1999
daughter had horrible menstrual cramps. When she first started her period, she
was cramping 24 hours a day. During this time she was in terrible pain -- she
could not get out of bed, and tried to treat the cramps with heat and ibuprofen.
She continued to cramp for four additional days during every cycle with pain so
severe she could hardly walk. I took her to an OB/GYN who started her on birth
control pills. After trying this for two months, the cramping had only lessened
slightly. Upon further consultation, the OB/GYN suggested beginning the
ibuprofen 24 hours before starting her period and doubling the dosage. She was
taking 400mg of ibuprofen every four hours for four or five days straight. As
she was still unable to function two to three days of every month, I brought her
to Dr. Jin for acupuncture and herbal treatments. At first she was scared of the
needles, but quickly found out they didn't hurt. Over the next month or two, her
periods improved dramatically. She is now able to function every day of his
period. ~ M. G.
MENSTRUAL DISORDERS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome / Irregular
26, 2008
I had never had a normal
menstruation cycle in my life and I had been diagnosed with PCOS. My doctor told
me that it would be very difficult to get pregnant. My husband and I tried for a
year to get pregnant before I went to Dr. Jin. I had 6 treatments in 3 weeks and
immediately my menstruation cycle started to regulate.
~A. D.
I was
diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome for 2 yrs and also suffering
irregular cycles. After seeing Dr.
Jin, I am very pleased with the positive experience. With Dr. Jin's help I was
able to achieve regular cycles. I have already recommended this clinic to many
~ T. P.
back to top

15, 2002
Dr. Jin, look at my legs and
feet, I can walk really well now since you treated my
neuropathy problem. Now I feeling great! You can bet I will tell
everyone now that you gave me so much relief!
~ H. S.
April 17,
I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy nearly eight years ago and I've tried
the conventional medicine to no avail. Then I find that eastern medicine really
works and overall my acupuncture treatments were very helpful.
~ M. L.
back to top

PAIN (arms and hands):
06, 2008 
The pain is much less now than before I started therapy. Everyone was very
helpful and polite, I felt greatly at ease and very comfortable. ~G. K.
30, 2006
Only 3 treatments so far and I feel 100% better. I could
not make a fist, hold a pen or use my right arm in anyway before I came to see
Dr. Jin for acupuncture. This was definitely the best healthcare choice I made
in my life - the clinic is very professional and it was a very rewarding
experience. ~B. R.
PAIN (groin):
December 7,
My groin pain is no where to be found. I have enjoyed acupuncture very much and
am glad found the right doctor. ~J. K.
PAIN (neck/shoulder):
 April 29,
My neck is much better after I came to see you, and
I plan to go off on the pills soon, thank you!
~S. P.
22, 2008
I had been suffering severe neck and back pain for 2 years before acupuncture,
but in my past year I have lost 20 pounds which Dr. Jin believe is the root of
the cause of my pain, so ever since I started acupuncture, I have a higher
energy level, less degree of pain and I can now actually function without daily
pain, I trust Dr. Jin and he is a great doctor in my mind.
~A. Y.
August 23,
I have herniated disk in my neck c6 - radiculopathy since I was injured
on 8-17-2006. The neck pain was down the left side and I felt tingling an
numbing sensations into the left arm and biceps. Since I was looking for a less
invasive treatment for my injury to avoid surgery if possible. And I found it at
Ace Acupuncture! I have received tremendous relief from the pain since I started
acupuncture and it is giving me hope to be on the road to a speedy recovery,
Thanks Dr. Jin. ~ K. D.
14, 2009
had severe pain in my shoulder blade and neck. After acupuncture, I feel that my
visits help me a great deal. Due to the outcome of my visits, I have recommended
Dr. Jin to numerous friends and family members. ~ D. S.
May 1, 2007
I was diagnosed as frozen shoulder 3 months ago, and after acupuncture, I find
the relief to be permanent and I am recommending all of my friends and coworkers
about you.
~ J. S.
26, 2005
My shoulder was very painful and unable to move arm
when I began acupuncture, my neck on opposite side was also very painful. Now
with acupuncture, I have received excellent results, that's why I keep on coming
back! ~A.V.
June 27, 2000
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you both for
helping me with my shoulder pain management. I am making good progress because
of your treatment and look forward to the day I am completely pain-free, then
we'll really have to celebrate! ~ S. S.
August 18, 1998
Thank you so much for all of the terrific information and for
the acupuncture. I don't feel pain in my neck and shoulder area anymore.
~ J. B.
PAIN (abdominal):
6, 2009

I came to Ace Acupuncture with abdominal pain, night sweats and nausea,
since starting the treatment with Dr. Jin, I have no more pain and night sweats
are much less as well. I've been able to start eating breakfast and enjoy my
start up in mornings. Thank you for helping me when other medical doctors could
not! ~ F. K.
30, 2007
The back pain has been bothering me for many years, off and on, but about 3
months ago, it acted up again, and this time it wouldn't go away, I've tried PT,
massage, chiropractors, pain killers, nothing helped. Then I turned to
acupuncture as my last resort. Amazingly, I find it is excellent on all levels,
and the pain is dramatically reduced after 5 sessions. I attribute all of the
improvement I had to Dr. Jin and ace acupuncture! ~ S. H.
PAIN (stomach):
June 10, 1999
I have wanted to write you a letter for the longest time. I
can't tell you how much acupuncture has changed my life! From May of 98 until
Sept of 98, I was in constant lower abdominal and stomach pain. I was
hospitalized twice in that time frame for pain. All the painkillers, and tests
that I had did not help at all. I was pretty hopeless. Finally, after reading
about acupuncture and talking with some other people about it, I decided to call
and make an appointment. The results were astonishing! By my second treatment I
already noticed a difference. Now, it is 9 months later, and I feel great! I
have stopped taking pain meds, and even after having migraine headaches for the
past 15 years, they are almost completely gone!!
~ C. R.
PAIN (elbow):
23, 2006
I suffered elbow pain for the past 3 months and after 2
sessions of acupuncture, the pain is completely gone, I knew I couldn't do this
without the help by Dr. Jin.
~ S. B.
PAIN (knees):
October 11,
I've always had chronic right knee pain and some shoulder pain before I came
to see Dr. Jin, but they were taken care of in just a few treatments. Now I have
regained the flexibility and mobility I once had before, thanks Dr. Jin!
~ J. P.
February 20,
Its been almost one year since I first had severe pain down both my kneecaps,
after just 4 sessions of treatment with Dr. Jin, I found that I now walk better
without pain in the day and I can sleep with minimal pain at night. It is
truly special to know Ace Acupuncture is filled with caring health professionals
and I will definitely tell everyone I know about my positive experiences here.
~L. B.
18, 2003
Dr. Jin, you have given me a new
knee! I do not feel any pain in my right knee and I owe it all to you, my godsend doctor.
~ E. M.
June 13,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you both for
helping me with my shoulder pain management. I am making good progress because
of your treatment and look forward to the day I am completely pain-free, then
we'll really have to celebrate! ~ S. S.
April 13,
It is like a miracle because I had lots of pain and I cannot stand or walk
before I saw Dr. Jin, only 3 sessions and he cured y 20+ years of knee pain.
Simply amazing! ~ E. T.
PAIN (lower back):
February 23,
I had a surgery in my lower back (L3-L5) about 2 months ago, but the pain
persisted, I found Dr.. Jin and Ace Acupuncture through this web and I saw he
has lots of expertise in helping people with back aches, so I decided to go to
him. After 10 sessions of treatment (1 course), my muscles in the back loosened
and the pain is now minimal, overall, I rate this clinic and staff a 10 out of
10, it provides an excellent service with a friendly, respectful staff.
~ J. J.
5, 2008
I came to Dr, Jin for my lower back pain and after just 4 sessions of treatment,
I am feeling excellent and will definitely refer him to other people. ~
M. U.
7, 2006
I am happy to tell you that I had major back pain when I first started
treatments with Dr. Jin, but now most, if not all of the symptoms are gone. My
first session was on Sept. 27th. I am completely satisfied with my experience at
this clinic, and I am sure you will too! ~M.S.
10, 2008
I have a herniated disc and severe pain in my right lower back, after
eleven treatments I received at this clinic, I have gotten much better. The
treatment is painless and relaxing, I would recommend to anybody with pain.
4, 2004
I had lower back pain for over 6
years, and so far it hasn't bothered me after routine visits with acupuncture. I
agree with other patients are saying, this doctor (Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin) is a
world-class acupuncturist, and a MASTER at what he does. ~K.H.
11, 2004
I came to Ace Acupuncture for treatments of lower back pain that's been ongoing
for at least 2 years. I also have a flat left foot which has caused walking
problem. I am a believer of alternative medicine and it has worked for me every
time, I always strongly recommend this clinic to my friends all the time and
they all come back thanking me for referrals because of quality of care and
results they receive, its unbelievable. ~A.Y.
14, 2006
have suffered lower back pain for 10-12 years off and on, with lots of stiffness
when waking up, and it has been especially worse the last 5 months. However,
after acupuncture, I am extremely happy with my back, and I am fully functional
with minimal annoyances which I can manage. I always feel better after a
session. ~ D. B.
29, 2004
Since I came seeing you, I
had total relief from a constant lower back pain,
my endurance and mobility are now greatly improved! ~ B. R.
3, 2003
I was in a great deal of pain with lower back
and leg. Walking up stairs was nearly impossible. Nothing was helping -- pills,
pills, and more pills! I saw a chiropractor for 12 visits -- a big waste of time
and money in my case. I had seen several doctors, all of them said they couldn’t
help except doing surgery where I am trying to avoid at all possible means. The
treatment didn't hurt at all. I felt no pain; in fact, it was just so restful
and I felt immediately better after the first treatment. After a couple months
of treatment, I was better than I'd been in years. I have recommended Dr. Jin to
a lot of people. It's just that one has to be ready to try anything sometimes.
Acupuncture sounds strange to many Western people. After about 20 years of
lower back pain, Dr. Jin was really heaven sent!
~W. K.
October 6, 1996
My L4-L5 was having pain for a long time. After I
have treated here for couple weeks, I have no recurrence and taking no
medications. First time in 7 years I am drug free and best of all no back pain to worry about. ~ J. V.
PAIN (upper back):
11, 2002
I had back pain for seven years. I rarely
went more than a week without some level of discomfort. I had a flare up and was
in severe pain for two days. I couldn't straighten my back and I shook all over.
Not knowing what to expect, I was a little nervous about acupuncture at first,
but Dr. Jin explained all the procedures step by step before hand and told me to
just relax. Considering my discomfort, he made me as comfortable as possible.
During the treatment, the needles were no worse than pulling a hair on your arm.
I was able to relax to the point of falling asleep, which was significant since
I had not been able to sleep for two days. Dr. Jin woke me very gently. When I
awoke, I felt no pain and was afraid to move for fear that it would all come
back. As I carefully got off the table and stood, I realized that I was standing
straight and in no pain at all. I had a total of three treatments and I have
been pain free since that day. For me, acupuncture is a miracle! Finally, after
years of some level of discomfort almost every day, I am pain free and a happier
person all the way. ~ K. L.
PAIN (hips):
March 18, 2001
Prior to treatment with Dr. Jin, I had
significant pains in my hip, back and down my leg. For more than 15 years, I was
unable to sit or stand for very long without great pain. Because of the pain, my
life was limited to very few activities. By the time I started treatment with
Dr. Jin, most of my day was spent in bed. I was facing my third back surgery
when a neurosurgeon suggested acupuncture for pain relief. I am delighted with
my treatment results. I am virtually pain free now! I have been able to travel
by plane and train, attend reunions, parties and family functions. I socialize,
go to church, shopping and enjoy a much more active lifestyle. What a lifesaver
Dr. Jin has been for me! ~D. M.
4, 2004
I've been having a lot of numbness and pain over the years, but recently its
been worse than ever. The location is mostly on my left side due to MS. After
seeing Dr. Jin, I can say it was the best experience I've ever had with a
doctor, and it has helped relieve my pain tremendously. ~L.L.
August 4, 2006
I was very surprised to see such quick and
effective results, before acupuncture the pain scale was at a 8, and after only
one treatment, it was down to a 2!! ~J.
PAIN (legs):
July 16,
I am a New Zealand Professional
Bicyclist and I have been training in the states for the last 3 months preparing
for an international championship match. During training one day, I suddenly
pulled my leg muscles and had severe tensions in thigh and legs. I found
acupuncture to be comfortable and effective, I received excellent care and
immediate results from Dr. Jin. ~L. K.
2. 2006
My problem was pain in groin of left leg and had been in pain the past 3
months. I've decided to try other therapies before acupuncture but nothing has
worked, so I finally mustered my courage to see a special "Needle-Artist" aka
Acupuncturist. I found Dr. Jin at 84th and Capitol Dr. and in only 4 sessions,
it took care of my problem. I highly recommend Dr. Jin and his services. ~F. L.
November 5, 2000
I began treatment for pain relief in
my legs. With in two sessions the pain had subsided substantially. I
continued the treatments for an unexpected result of finding the 30 minutes of
treatment to be the most relaxing part of the day. The treatment has been
painless and I find no side effects whatsoever.
~ E. J.
PAIN (feet and toes):
25, 2006
I had a surgery on my foot last May and my foot stopped healing 8
months after, and physical therapy gave me no results. My last hope was
acupuncture and its working! I enjoyed the acupuncture services performed Dr.
Jin, he is experienced, knowledgeable, and caring. I won't hesitate to refer
them to my friends and family. ~L. S.
16, 2009
I had burning pain in both my feet for about 25 years and I love coming in to
see Dr. Jin. The clinic is peaceful, and calm, and I always feel better after
each treatment. ~T. M.
15, 2000
I came to Ace Acupuncture experiencing great
pain in my left big toe and some lingering pain throughout my left foot.
I wasn't able to wear a regular show. My left foot was very swollen. I couldn't
put any weight on that foot. After "ONE" 30-min treatment, my pain was gone!
I had been suffering for 8 months before the treatment. I couldn't believe it!
~ V. W.
April 29, 2006
I was suffering severe pain and lots of muscle cramps in both my feet before I
was recommended to Ace Acupuncture by a friend. Now I can say I am pain free and
I will definitely come back for other treatments. ~ C. P.
PAIN (hands and thumbs):
27, 2008
I had swollen right hand and thumb joint for several months before I sought
help from Dr. Jin. After just 2 sessions, the pain was gone, the
experience was very comfortable, and I am pleased with the result. Dr. Jin was
very understanding and I would recommend him and his services to anyone.
~ J.
back to top

PMS with menstrual cramps:
27, 2006
There is absolutely no doubt about it! Dr. Guan-Yuan
Jin is the #1 Acupuncturist in town. I went to several other acupuncture clinics
for my PMS conditions before I came to Dr. Jin's clinic, and I am so
grateful that made one great decision, only I wish I came to see him sooner. Now
that I am pain free for the first time in a long time, I am now believing the
true meaning of the statement: "Every acupuncturist is different, choose wisely
because results are different and experience matters" ~ J. S.
back to top

December 16,
I suffered sciatica from June of this year and has been unable to walk or
sit for extensive periods during the day due to the extreme pain. I was referred
to Dr, Jin by my Chiropractor (also a former patient of Dr. Jin), after 10
sessions, Dr. Jin has accomplished a miracle for me. Pain? Gone! ~ G. J.
July 19,
I have sciatica nerve pain for about 2 weeks and sought after Dr.
Jin from a friend's referral. After 5 sessions, I can honestly say I am very
pleased with the results, the clinic always provides excellent service and makes
time available for an emergency appointment, my pain is already down from a
scale of 10 to a scale of 3. I highly recommend Ace Acupuncture if your looking
to stop pain. ~ K. W.
August 4 ,
The pain is gone! I can't believe it but its true. Very surprising to see such
quick results! ~ J. D.
2, 2006
Amazing! I feel so wonderful today and there is almost no pain on my
left hip and buttocks after 10 sessions of acupuncture, I don't know
what to do to thank you, I am so glad I found you!!! ~ R. V.
June 22, 2006
I came to Dr. Jin with a severe sciatica pain and radiating down to the lower
right buttocks and knees, but after 5 sessions of treatment, I now feel no pain
so far and I hope it continues. ~J. H.
May 22, 2009
This is my first time ever encounter with acupuncture although I have heard its
benefits from friends and relatives before. I tried 4 sessions for my sciatica
in the right side back in April and the whole experience was very relaxing. I
often float into deep rest for 30 minute treatments, I like the music, the
lights off helps relax. I wholeheartedly recommend you to try acupuncture if
haven't already. ~P.M.
back to top

SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION (ED/Premature Ejaculation):
March 6,
I had a problem with being unable to
ejaculate. I kept on seeing several different doctors for many years, but
without any success. Then someone referred me to Dr. Jin. After couple months,
my problem was cured, and now I have a lovely daughter. ~ P. M.
January 25,
I was
impotent for the past 8 years and Dr. Jin cured my problem, I am a new person
now and I consider acupuncture to be my life changer. ~ S. A.
back to top

November 14,
I have had shingles for four aching months, but I was referred to you
via my sister in law in Germany. I felt really good after just 1 session,
amazing! I also want to thank you and your staff for your excellent services,
the way you treated your patients is second to none! Your honesty gave me hope
of relieving my pain in a short amount of time, Thank you Dr. Jin for healing my
nerves that were really badly damaged by the shingles.
~ L. K.
back to top

August 28,
I've had a history of sinus problems for 8-9 years along with various allergies.
I've had about a dozen acupuncture treatments so far. My symptoms included
intense pain under the eyes and in the forehead. The pain radiated down into the
cheek bone. Western medicine, etc did very little to help my pain, then I was
referred to Dr. Jin via a friend, who also had her sinusitis cleared up by the
same doctor. After the treatments, I was impressed with the professionalism and
knowledge of the staff. I appreciate the kind, caring attention and the sharing
of knowledge in regard to my questions.
~ C. B.
March 29,
I've had sinus for many years, but ever since after receiving
acupuncture treatments at your clinic, I've felt wonderful with no sinus onsets
at all, I would highly recommend you to anyone wanting to get rid of their ugly
sinusitis problems! ~ D. A.
back to top

October 28,
I injured my knee in May 2002. For the next
five months I was in constant pain. During treatment, I experienced energy flow,
twitching, tingling, and warm feelings. The pain lessened almost immediately,
and within the time frame of my treatments, I gained back most of the use of my
knee and had no more pain ~H.U.
back to top

March 5,
Dr. Jin, you are my
HERO! I couldn't have had this much results in so little time without your
help. I feel so relaxed after each session that I simply don't want to go home.
~ K. W.
back to top

February 22,
I smoked two packs a day for 35 years and I need to quit due to health reasons.
I have tried to quit before but none of other methods (nicotine gums, laser
therapy, pills, etc) could work. Since I came to acupuncture with Dr. Jin, he
has helped me to stop smoking, and changed my quality of life. At the first
visit, I was given acupuncture inside my ear as well as some needles on the
body. Then I began to take a special herbal tea that could help me control the
cravings. Dr. Jin explained to me that I only needed 3-4 sessions to see
results, with the first two visits to help with my withdrawal and the other
sessions for cleansing my lungs. I followed Dr. Jin's instructions and
drank the tea when I craved for cigs. So far I haven't felt the need to smoke as
a result of Dr. Jin treatment!! I highly recommend Dr. Jin if you need to
quit smoking naturally, and quickly. His compassion and personality puts you at
ease and you shall enjoy a very relaxed smoking-cessation experience.
~ N. A.
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July 19, 2002
Oh my gosh, I have not been able to pick up the sock with
my right toe since I had a stroke 3 years ago,
now I could after acupuncture from you. ~ B. H.
November, 2000
After my stroke, Acupuncture was
suggested to me to restore movement to my affect left side. I credit Acupuncture by Dr. Jin for restoring movement in
my left arm, left hand and finger. I find that Acupuncture has helped me
maintaining my health and increasing my mobility ... ~ V. G.
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TENDONITIS (Acute Achilles):
30, 2008

I had tendonitis in the hip
for the last 4-5 months, and the pain in the hip especially when sitting down.
After hearing from one of my co-workers that Dr. Jin can help with TCM, I came
to get treatment, needless to say, I was very pleased with the treatment,
explanations and outcome. I have already recommended Dr. Jin to several friends.
~M. C.
October 3, 2003
Being an avid armature Basketball
player, I workout in the gym daily. But one day, as I jumped for a rebound, I
fell on the ground and immediately felt sharp pain in my right leg. I was
later diagnosed as acute Achilles Tendonitis and went to a chiropractor,
and then a PT but all with no results. Then I was referred to Dr. Jin by my
brother, who was mentioned as a top acupuncturist in the state on treating
sports injuries and many sports celebrities were cured by him. So I went to see
him, and after just the 2nd session, I am feeling 90% better, the pain went down
from a rating of 10 to a 2, It's amazing and you gotta check it out if you have
similar sports injuries or pains. I only wish I had found out about acupuncture
~J. P.
TENDONITIS (Shoulder):
23, 2008

I had severe pain in my shoulder blades that was diagnosed as shoulder
tendonitis, after my third session of treatment, the pain dramatically reduced,
now I can say I am much improved and highly recommend acupuncture for shoulder
~S. S.
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April 03, 2001
Before I visited your clinic, both of my arms hurt so much that I could barely use it to drive my car. And now,
both arms feel great, back to normal, and I can do anything with them, again! Your treatment has saved me much pain,
and probably saved a lot of lost work time. ~ R. A.
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December 16, 2000
For the past years I have suffered from a condition known as
Trigeminal Neuralgia ... The treatments I have been receiving at Ace Acupuncture
from Dr. Jin since Sept 1996, have resulted in my pain being under control.
~ S. P.
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3, 2008
Amazing, truly amazing, my chronic vertigo disappeared after the first session.
I can now jump out of bed in the morning! I want to thank Dr. Jin and his caring
staff so much. I'm very grateful for his knowledge and kindness.
~T. A.
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21, 2008
(Hear what one of our voice-loss patients had to say in an audio
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January 8, 1999
On my first visit to the clinic, you made me feel at ease and even very
cheerful. The first treatment, I realized something was happening, I weighted
224 lbs before I came to you and after about 12 sessions of acupuncture, I have
lost about 47 lbs. Thank you for your help! Now there is a brighter tomorrow.
~ G. J.
September 21, 2008
I have lost 20 lbs in just 3 weeks after taking acupuncture and herbal remedies
from Dr. Jin at Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee. I highly recommended this
way of losing weight because its natural, no side-effects and no weight rebound.
I still do my regular exercise and watch my diet, but I think my choice to turn
to Chinese Medicine was correct, as it have certainly helped me to achieve my
dream of being slim, once again!
~ D. Y.
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