Relaxation Qigong contains two unique forms of exercises: a slow, self-spinal adjustment
(like doing chiropractics on yourself), and a special breathing pattern respiration
movement simulating asleep that can relieve a variety of joint pains, stress, insomnia,
depression and related central nervous dysfunctions. The cost of workshop is $40/pp
We are proud to announce that three out of our four "ACE Acupuncture" staff were vote TOP holistic healers in Milwaukee in the categories of
TOP 5 Acupuncturists(Dr. Guan-Yuan JIN), TOP 3 Herbalists (Louis JIN), and TOP 5 Massage Therapists (Amber JIN) in Jan/Feb issue of
Milwaukee Magazine titled "Best Holistic Healers", the article can be downloaded at
Download Article
Brookfield Celebrates World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2009
Drs. Guan-Yuan & Jia-Jia Jin as well as Drs. Louis & Amber Jin hosted the 10th Anniversay of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2009 at Brookfield Senior Community Center in Wisconsin on April 25, 2009, about 150 residents and senior citizens attended the free community event. Drs. Jin
demonstrated Tai Chi Sword, Louis & Amber demonstrated Tai Chi Fan, and several keynote speakers talked on the importance of keeping health for the middle-aged ...

For the full text of press release, please visit
News Release
December 1, 2008
A Pioneer in Systems Theory and
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
An Interview With Dr.
Guan-Yuan Jin
By Yun-tao Ma, PhD, LAc
From Oct. 20-22, 2007, the World Federation of
Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) held an international
conference celebrating its 20th anniversary in Beijing.
At this meeting, a forum of contemporary acupuncture
mechanisms and meridian research with a system biology theme
sparkled a high volume of interest from attendants.
was honored to meet its co-chair, Guan-Yuan Jin, MD, LAc,
author of Contemporary Medical Acupuncture - A Systems
Approach. Dr. Jin is recognized as one of the world's pioneers
in systems theory and contemporary medical acupuncture. He is
the director of Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee, where he
has been practicing for the past 20 years. Among his many
accomplishments, he served on the Acupuncture Advisory
Committee for the state of Wisconsin for more than 15 years
and helped gain statewide proclamations for "Acupuncture and
Oriental Medicine Day" in 2004. He currently serves as an
honorary professor of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
in China and is the founding president of the International
Institute of Holistic Medicine ...
the entire article, please visit
September 22, 2008
Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin, Louis &
Amber Jin were invited by Silver City to demonstrate Yang Style (Tai-Chi Chuan),
and earned high praises from the crowd. Louis Jin also performed an
innovative Tai-Chi called Titanic Tai-Chi, derived from the movie Titanic.
June 19, 2007
The Directors of The Heritage
Registry of Who's WhoTM take pleasure in announcing the inclusion of
Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin of Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee the
forthcoming 2007-2008 Edition. The accomplishments and achievements
attained by Ms. Mary Tully in the Travel Agency Industry with The Cruise
Professionals warrants inclusion into The Heritage Registry of Who's WhoTM.
The Heritage Registry of Who's WhoTM,
a New York based biographical publication, selects and distinguishes
individuals throughout North America who have attained a recognizable degree of
success in their field of endeavor and thereby contributing to the growth of
their industry.
January 28, 2007
Dr. Zhiwei Xu, President of Guangzhou Univ. of
TCM and Dr. Yubo Lu, Vice President of Guangzhou Univ. of TCM and President of
Guangzhou Provincial TCM Hospital, paid a special visit to Dr. Jin this
weekend as they flew in from Guangzhou, China to learn tips from Dr. Guan-Yuan
Jin on how to best integrate advanced TCM and Western medicine educational
techniques into regular Chinese TCM hospitals and universities.
Nov, 2006
Dr. Jin's has another book published! This time, his latest
and (18th) book was a monumental project that took over 2 years to compete and is
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture - A Systems Approach.
It is in hard-cover with gold emblems, and has almost 600 pages of lucid writing that can be comprehended by Western
medical doctors and professionals. This is a textbook of medical acupuncture which
presents the essence of scientific acupuncture! Co-Published
by Springer, USA and Higher Education Press, PRC. |
Nov, 2006 Dr. Jin gave a lecture to the
entire faculty and staff of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of TCM. The lecture's title was on "How to
integrate Western Medical Research Methods into Clinical Research
of TCM".
Nov, 2006
Dr. Wenbin Fu, Chair of Dept of Acupuncture, Guangdong Provincial
Hospital of TCM accompanies Dr. Jin on his special clinical tour.
Jan, 2006 Dr. Zhiwei Xu, President of Guangzhou University of TCM, presents an
official appointment to Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin to serve as the school's Honorary
November 11, 2005
Dr. Jin was
presented a speech at the general session of the
4th International TCM Conference at Guangzhoug University of
Chinese Medicine, PRC. The title of the speech was "Advancing
the Integration of TCM and Contemporary Medicine Using Systems
1, 2004
Doyle, Barrett declare Sunday, October 24
as “Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day”
Source: (Oct 24, 2004 Issue, – Milwaukee’s Daily Magazine)
In the
past week, both Governor Jim Doyle and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett declared
Sunday, Oct. 24 as "Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) Day" in the state of
Wisconsin and throughout the city of Milwaukee.
official declarations of AOM Day is a milestone itself because it puts the state
on the map as being the first state in Midwest -- and only the sixth in the
country -- to have publicly recognized and commented on the work of Acupuncture
and Oriental Medicine profession," says Dr. Jin, a Milwaukee-based acupuncture
specialist who
led the campaign in pursuing both the Governor and the Mayor to issue the above
percent of Americans use some form of alternative medicine, according to recent
studies done by
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a component
of the National Institute of Health (NIH). However,
though acupuncture was legislated in Wisconsin in 1990, most Wisconsinites are
still unfamiliar with the benefits of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and how
they work in combination to relieve aliments including various body aches &
pains, stress & insomnia, smoking cessation, infertility and more tough cases
with no or rare side-effects.
Guan-Yuan Jin, LAc, Dipl. Ac & Herbs (NCCAOM), Wisconsin Acupuncture Advisory
Committee Member, President of International Institute of Holistic Medicine,
Clinical Director of Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee
is an international known acupuncturist, Chinese herbologist and qigong expert
with over 39 years of experience in the AOM field.
Over the time, he has treated more than 60,000 patients successfully including
several world-famous celebrities from severe sports-related injuries (e.g.
5-time Olympic Champion, Bonnie Blaire). Dr. Jin has an extensive publication
track with 15 academic or medical books in Chinese and English and well over 80
referred journal publications while operating a busy practice in
since 1990. In early October, Dr. Jin and his associates approached the Offices
of Wisconsin Governor and Milwaukee Mayor in hopes of persuading either Governor
Doyle and Mayor Barrett in a proclamation for the "Acupuncture and Oriental
Medicine Day" for the entire state of Wisconsin and throughout the city of
Milwaukee to increase both local and state public awareness and support of the
profession. Soon after all verifying documents were submitted, on October 12,
Dr. Jin's office received the official proclamation letter issued by Governor
Doyle with his signature and the affixed great seal of Wisconsin declaring Oct.
24 as the day, and just a few days later, another proclamation letter commending
the outstanding work by the AOM profession in Milwaukee was issued by Mayor
"This will
help more people to gain awareness of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and in
turn may help those in need of care to have more accessibility to insurance
coverage, in the end that would allow our nation to lower its healthcare cost as
a whole, it is a Win-Win situation no matter where you look at it." says Dr.
October 28,
Guan-Yuan Jin, a Humbled Visionary Leading the Way
on the Globalization of Acupuncture
(Source: 10-27-2004, Journal of
Traditional Chinese Medicine)
(Reported by Bai Xiaoyun) On October 21, a
seminar on the Globalization of Acupuncture from the Publication of “Clinical
Reflexology of Acupuncture and Moxibustion” was held at the Institute for
Acupuncture Research, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) by the
China Acupuncture Society. Keynote speaker was Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin, the author of
“Clinical Reflexology of Acupuncture and Moxibustion”. The seminar was presided
by a group of 20 or so distinguished experts in acupuncture and TCM from China
including Prof. Weiheng Li, Vice President and Secretary General of China Acupuncture
Society; Prof. Bin Zhu, Vice President of Institute for Acupuncture
Research, China Academy of TCM; Profs. Qinguo Liu & Baixiao Zhao, Associate
Deans of the College of Acupuncture at Beijing University of TCM, Prof. Shoukang
Lu, Director of Basic Science at the College of Acupuncture, Prof. Pengtao Li,
Associate Dean of the College of Basic Sciences; as well expert representatives
from various local TCM Hospitals and Institutions
The book "Clinical
Reflexology of Acupuncture and Moxibustion",
412 pages in hardcover and with more than 20 full-color image inserts and
760,000 Chinese characters is published by Beijing Science & Technology Press in
May of 2004. It utilizes the theories of modern medicine to categorize,
summarize and develop the traditional theories of meridians and acupuncture. By
applying the viewpoint of modern holistic Reflexology, this book concluded that
the meridians are systems of physiological and pathological reflexes in the
body; acupuncture therapy is actually a type of reflexotherapies. It gives a
new vision into the classical therapy and the theory of meridians, as well as
has established a bridge between them and contemporary medicine. This book
encompasses a rich collection of scientific achievements and clinical expertise
in the field, ancient and modern, domestic or abroad, especially of the authors
over three decades. By clarifying the essentials of the meridians and exploring
various technical theories in acupuncture, it analyzes the challenges of using
them to treat tough cases of common indications and proposes various detailed
solutions to increase the clinical effectiveness. Thus, it is a very practical
and useful reference book for acupuncturists, as well as an ideal textbook for
Western medical professionals who want to learn and integrate the therapy. This
book has been honored as a milestone for developing contemporary acupuncture.
As the principal author
of this book, Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin, L.Ac., President of Society of Chinese American
Professors & Scientists (SoCAPS), President of International Institute of
Holistic Medicine (IIHM) is an internationally renowned clinical acupuncturist,
neurophysiologist and chronobiologist and serves on the State Acupuncture
Advisory Committee of Wisconsin. During the late 1960s', Dr. Jin apprenticed
under Dr. Mian-Zhai Jiao in Shandong, PRC, who was one of four “Acupuncture
Legends” in the modern China. In 1988, Dr. Jin actively participated in founding
the Chinese Chronobiology and Chronomedicine Society and served as an Executive
Director of the Society for many years. In 1982, Dr. Jin graduated with MS and
MD of Physiology from the Dept of Physiology of the College of Medicine at
Zheijiang University (Formerly known as Zhejiang Medical University, PRC) and
has done countless researches in fields of neurophysiology with acupuncture, the
mechanism of acupuncture anesthesia and later became an Associate Professor of
Physiology at the same university. After coming to U.S in 1990, Dr. Jin completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the
Medical College of Wisconsin and found the International Institute of Holistic
medicine and affiliated Ace acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee.
Dr. Jin
has an extensive publication track with over 80 referred journal publications
and 15 academic or medical books in Chinese and English.
Near the end of the seminar,
the experts in attendance all agreed that Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin’s research has
strong meaning in grabbing an important aspect of controlling the acupuncture
effects and the therapy’s randomness. Everyone agreed that the book is an
authoritative and novel text with in-depth discussion on how to raise the
effectiveness of acupuncture and repeatability and should be highly recommended
to clinical acupuncturists and researchers alike. “The work of Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin
was truly visionary and remarkable, the acupuncture theory may never be the same
again!” said one attendant as he exited the seminar in rejoice. Indeed, in fact,
many people share the same notion, it was reported in the media of Midwest of
USA that Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin was often quoted as “Magic Needle” because of his
success in and out of the clinic, helping each patient he treats to maximum
results with only short duration of treatment sessions. The book since its
publication has already generated a critically-acclaimed publicity with multiple
positive book reviews by the experts of Acupuncture and TCM, with comments like
“This is arguably one the best Acupuncture books written in the recent 5
decades”; “Authoritative modern textbook in the making”; “The lifeline for ones
looking to climb up the peak of success in Acupuncture”. As he was being honored
for his tremendous accomplishments in the field of Acupuncture and TCM, he could
have just basked in the glory, but Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin remained humble and
appreciative. When one reporter from the state TV station asked how Dr. Jin’s
leading role helped to obtain proclamations for Oct 24 as “Acupuncture and
Oriental Medicine Day” issued by the Governor of Wisconsin and Mayor of
Milwaukee, Dr. Jin simply replied: “It is nothing compared to the hard work put
in by my fellow colleagues every day to promote the awareness and benefits of
Acupuncture and TCM to the public, I was just doing my part to help out the
cause”. Well put, Dr. Jin!
15, 2004
Sample Reviews from Experts of TCM and Acupuncture on
the Book "Clinical Reflexology of Acupuncture and
”I think the content, style and the
presentation of this book along with its related analysis and theories are
in-depth yet still in organized and well placed plain vocabulary. It is
certainly a rare find of its kind in the modern acupuncture professional books.
It categorizes, summarizes and develops the acupuncture therapy and its
theoretical basis, the meridian theory from the perspective of Acu-Reflexology,
which made a giant leap toward modernizing the traditional acupuncture medicine.
- Prof
Xue-Ming Shi, OMD
Engineering Academician Sinica,
Vice President of China Acupuncture Society
“This book is
comprehensive and refreshing, the presenting structure is pedagogical and
logical, the examples are detailed and accurate, the text is often accompanied
by many tables and graphs, the writings are smooth and clear, and its
recommended methods are simple and practical. No doubt that the publication of
this authoritative book will promote development of field of acupuncture and
traditional Chinese medicine, enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy,
and have a profound influence on the information exchange between oriental and
western medicine. It will certainly be a useful reference for anyone engaging in
academic study, scientific research and clinic practice with acupuncture.”
Prof. Kuai-Shan Zheng, OMD
Honorary Chair of Dept of
Acupuncture, Ganshu College of TCM,
Honorary President
of Ganshu Acupuncture Society.
Board Member of China
Acupuncture Society
proposed a complete novel theory titled (AcuReflexology), and reshaped the
traditional acupuncture therapy and meridian theories as we know it today. It
has built a bridge between the modalities of the modern Western medicine and the
ancient Oriental Medicine with emphasis on clinical exploration, and discussed
the essentials of acupuncture therapy; there were numerous analyses on how to
raise the effectiveness of acupuncture for intractable / difficult illnesses.
All in all, this is an excellent book with many hidden jewels waiting to be
discovered and help advance traditional Chinese medicine achieve a full-scale
scientific attitude.”
- Prof. Jia Wei, OMD
President of
Jiangxi Acupuncture Society
Board Member of
China Acupuncture Society
October 11, 2004
Dr. Jin and Jia-Jia was
invited to present a 2-hour workshop titled: Chinese Qigong for CFS and FB at
the The Seventh
International Conference On Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Fibromyalgia and Other Related Illnesses.
May 26, 2004
International Institute of Holistic
Medicine (IIHM) proudly presents a new book, authored
by Guan-Yuan Jin, M.D., Louis Lei Jin, M.S. and Jia-Jia Xiang, O.M.D
titled "Self-Healing with Chinese Medicine".
book encompasses nearly of all Dr. Jin's Chinese
self-healing expertise.
purpose of this book is to help people better understand the nature of Chinese
self-healing techniques and ultimately help the reader to activate his / her own
natural mind and body forces as a self-controlled intervention to treat and
prevent illnesses." Explained Dr. Jin. "Self-healing is a very inspiring
motivator, especially for people suffering from chronic illnesses or those who
would not like to be involved in medical interventions with too many chemicals".
Following an
introduction of fundamentals of Chinese Medicine, Self-Healing with Chinese
Medicine includes nine effective, handpicked programs of Dr. Jin’s time-tested
self-healing series (e.g. three levels of acupressure, Chinese dietotherapy, and
six internal qigong exercises, etc), with more than 200 illustrations to help to
explain each program in detail. This book can either serve as a step-by-step
training guide for health-conscious laymen or a practical self-study text for
those medical professionals / students interested in Chinese self-healing
techniques. For more information on the book or get an in-depth look at how Dr.
Jin is helping his patients.
April 7, 2004
Program Minutes
Wauwatosa Rotary Club
It was sunny today and your
humble bulletin editor was able to ride his Harley to Rotary. This put him in a
very pleasant frame of mind, so when it came time to announce the visiting
Rotarians, he was more than pleased that Assistant District Governor Nancy
Rhodes was here – not only in her official capacity, but as a visiting Rotarian.
This certainly counts as a “two-for-one” and should be recorded as such.
Among items of “happy news”
it was noted that former Wauwatosa Rotarian, Maurie Sullivan, was elected mayor
of Oconomowoc by a slim margin of 27 votes.
Rob Deflieze introduced the
main event of the day, a presentation from Dr. Guan-Yuan Jin, a licensed
acupuncturist in Milwaukee. Dr. Jin spoke about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
which includes three main components: Acupuncture, Herbology, and Qi (Chi).
Chinese medicine using these three elements has been around for more than two
millennia. It is grounded in a basic understanding of life consisting of a
balance between Yin and Yang. Yin is characterized as night, the moon, woman,
the abdomen, and deficiency. Yang is thought of in terms of day, sun, man, the
back, and excess. Healthy living comes from a proper balance between these as
they together contribute to Qi, or positive energy flow.
Acupuncture uses very fine
needles to stimulate certain nerves along the 14 meridians. There are many
different approaches to acupuncture, but it is used primarily for pain
management. It can also be used for regulation of bodily functions and for
rehabilitation if employed shortly after the pain or injury.
Chinese herbology is
different from the Western use of herbs. The Chinese tend to use multiple
combinations of herbs in order to balance and offset any side effects.
Finally, Qigong (of which
Tai Chi is one form) is a set of physical movements, postures, or positions
which enable the individual to regulate mind, breath, and body.
Dr. Jin, along with his wife,
operates a busy Acupuncture clinic at 84th and Capitol (Ace
Acupuncture). We thank him for giving us a most “pointed” presentation.
Nov 06,
Dr. Jin and Jia-Jia both were invited
to speak at Lake Forest Academy and Lake Forest College in Illinois respectively
for two evenings by presenting on topics of "Introduction to Acupuncture" and "The
Essence of Acupuncture in Detail" to about 130+
high school students and over 40 biology majoring
college students.
May 25,
Dr. Jin was elected as the first term President of
SoCAPS (Society of Chinese American Professors and Scientists),
formed by and for a select group of
outstanding Chinese
American Professors and Scientists in the USA today. The founding meeting was
held at University of Chicago, Illinois as it has more than 10 departmental
heads / chairs at various universities and over 180 founding members across
large corporations, governmental agencies and national research institutions
such as IBM, IEEE, Argonne National Lab, National Science Foundation (NSF),
National Institute of Health (NIH) and Federal Drug Administration (FDA), etc.
Visit their web site at (
for more information.
March 23, 2003
The first ever "Being Professors in the
USA - 2003" Forum was successfully at Northwestern University in Illinois. Dr.
Jin co-organized this forum along with several other professors and served as
the General Secretary of the forum. For more information please visit (“Being
Professors in the USA” Forum (Chicago - 2003)
12, 2002
Channel CBS-58 Milwaukee's evening
news anchor Ms. Renee Riddle interviewed Dr. Jin on CBS-58's 10:00pm news regarding
on the effectiveness of Acupuncture on Macular Degeneration.
April 23, 2002
Dr. Jin traveled back to his hometown Hangzhou,
Zhejiang Province, China and was invited to give a presentation to about 100
students of College of Traditional
Chinese Medicine at Zheijang. The topic was on his new book in writing "Clinical
Reflexology of Acupuncture and Moxibustion".
Aug 2, 2001
From July 14 to July 15, Dr. Jin and son,
Louis, volunteered at Asian Moon Festival held annually by the lakeside of
Milwaukee. Here Dr. Jin is lecturing the audience about Acupuncture and Chinese
July 31, 2001
On magazine stands all across China and Hong
Kong, the latest issue of The Horizon, a monthly publication, has Dr. Jin and Jia-Jia
grace the covers of a special edition of story paying tribute to the couple's lifelong
achievements and personal advancements.

August 30, 2000
On September 20, 2000, Ace Acupuncture
Clinic of Milwaukee will celebrate its 10th Anniversary in Milwaukee, WI. and
Dr. Jin's 34th year practicing Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
29, 2000
From July14 to July 16, Dr. Jin and
Louis, volunteered at Asian Moon Festival held annually by the lakeside of
Milwaukee. They demonstrated
Tai-Chi Chuan (24 form simplified Yang style) to the fest-goers and earned a
high praise for simplicity and gracefulness.

18, 2000
In May, Dr. Jin and Jia-Jia were
invited to TV Channel CBS-58 Milwaukee Newsroom and met with former CBS-58 Sports
Director Rock Rote.

August 27, 2000
In April, the Conference of
International Traditional Medicine was held in Beijing, China. Over one thousand
experts of Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Traditional
Medicine fields came from all over the world to Beijing's International
Conference Center. Dr. Jin was among the invitees and gave a keynote speech on
the conference. His topic was "Reflexology: The direction of scientifically
clinical acupuncture". By using Whole Body Reflexology's viewpoint to organize,
study, direct Acupuncture, and realizing the scientifically, modernizing aspects
of Traditional Acupuncture, the speech created huge emotional tides at the
conference. Dr. Jin was inspired and motivated astonishingly by his colleagues'
relentless encouragement. After he came back to States, he began writing a book,
titled "Clinical Reflexology of
Acupuncture and Moxibustion" that will sure contribute to
the advancement of the field of Chinese Medicine.

26, 2000
In March, three new books, titled "The
series of overseas doctors notes and perspectives on comparing Eastern-Western
cultural differences" written by Dr. Jin and Jia-Jia were published in China.

20, 2000
In February, Overseas
Renowned Professionals, Scientists and Scholars Conference was held in
Beijing, China. Dr. Jin was invited as a VIP and a keynote speaker at the