Transcript: In ancient times Qigong was called "the way of
eliminating diseases and prolonging life". Through numerous modern
researches, it has been verified that Qigong has unique effects in
treating chronic and difficult diseases, which are resulted from
systemic effects of meditation, physical postures or stretches, and
special breathing patterns. In 2000, I give a presentation titled
"Scientific Essence of Qigong" at the International Conference of
Traditional Medicine, Beijing. Our researches have demonstrated that
practicing Internal Qigong, especially the Qigong breathing exercise
is an effective way to learn self-control of the autonomic nervous
system. For example, a slower breathing pattern could strengthen
parasympathetic nervous tone against stress and other stress-related
hypertonic sympathetic activities, that are beneficial to prevent or
treat many illnesses, including hypertension, gastric ulcer,
indigestion, asthma, and reduce side effects of chemo- or radiation
therapy for cancer patients.